Latest news:

Tribe meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Minihall (1F, The Vine Centre). Please visit here for more information and to sign-up.

Please email if you have any questions.


What is Tribe’s Vision Statement?

Tribe exists to equip, empower and encourage women to be who God created them to be.

Why is Tribe called Tribe?

We use the name Tribe because a tribe is a community of people who live and work together and also because Tribe has ‘rib’ in the middle which honours the guys.

What does Tribe do?

We meet on Thursday in a variety of ways. Most months we have a social, a ''Let Go and Let God, and two teaching/sharing sessions. The teaching sessions are where different people share, or we have a panel, or do something creative together. These sessions usually follow a series. Previous series have been ‘His Image, My Image,’ and ‘Mythbusters’. We have groups for each series where we discuss things together, pray for and support one another. Each gathering in the mini hall has a discussion time, reflection time, and prayer time. The monthly social gathering is purely social and we meet in our groups in different restaurants around Hong Kong. 

We also have Equipping Days once a quarter in the auditorium. They are an opportunity for us to gather together for a day of reflection, fun, creativity, and unhurried time with God and each other. Previous Equipping Days have been ‘I Am Who You Say I Am’, ‘Real Talk’ and ‘Come Away With Me’.

If you would like to receive the link for our weekly online gatherings, please email with your full name and WhatsApp number and we will add you to the Tribe Community WhatsApp group.

Testimonies from Tribe Community

Testimony by Jessie

Jessie is a Tribe member and a participant in our ‘Find Your People’ series. This is her sharing and reflection on what it has meant for her to ‘find’ her people:

I am not sure if we need to really ‘find’ your people, as I believed that God ordains everything for our good according to His good plan for His children, but on my side, I do push myself out of the comfort zone at the beginning to reach out, stay and open my heart to allow God to ‘form’ me to my people. 

I would like to thank my small prayer group (Steffi, Evan & Eva) for their friendship since we met during the Tribe studies. 

For me, in particular, a challenging time, before, during, and after my first solo exhibition at PMQ in May this year. I would like to say that the ladies’ presence and affirmation of His guidance had proven to me according to Biblical instruction that it is crucial to have Christian friends in life, through ups and downs. We prayed through all my (our) worries and difficulties, and their visit together with other sisters (Phoebe and Bessie) to my show gave me tremendous encouragement.  I was humbly receiving all kinds of blessings from them. Thank you, Ladies!!!!!!

Our small group sincerely believes in the power of prayers, so we have our weekly prayer requests updated, we know that we are here for each other. A natural bonding with His presence and help. How comforting is it to not only receive prayer support to encourage our minds and Bible verses to strengthen our walk but also to experience and share updates on God’s answers to our prayers and miracles. Truly,  the ladies, ‘my people’ are sincere, faithful, and learning to walk out what God has been teaching us through the Bible study. 

I thank God for each of them, their genuine care, support, sweetness, and happy thoughts during our 30 mins post-study prayer time during which we always overrun and are cut off.  Haaahaaaa…

JC Jessie

A research-based interdisciplinary art partitioner

Testimony by Jing

Being a fairly new believer in Christ, I wondered “Do my prayers really help? Are they real? Are they powerful for us to experience?” Little did I know these questions would turn into a testimony today.

 On 23rd February 2021, my two buddies from The University of Auckland and I received forwarded messages with a photo of a baby from our buddy, Gloria. Without drilling into the medical terminologies, which were totally alien to me, I managed to get the three most important messages from Gloria:

‘High risk of cerebral damage’;

‘My world has stopped on Friday 19th’;

‘Photo of Baby G with tubes attached to him from top to toe’.

 Gloria asked us in the group chat to pray for her ex-colleague’s grandson, baby G. She said in her message, ‘The grandma is my dear ex-colleague and friend. Baby G needs a remarkable surgery… He needs prayer now’.

 So, I shared my prayer in writing with the girls in my group chat:

 ‘Our dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for you have created each one of us. Lord, we thank you for the birth of Baby G to his parents, family and to mankind. It is heart-wrenching looking at the various tubes on a new-born baby. Lord, you made us all in your image and that means we take the whole of you including your beautiful heart. So, Lord, we pray for your healing hands to be extended to Baby G. Although we do not know this baby personally, your heart is with us and that is why we care. We want him to be healed, Lord, and we know that through you, the Creator, you can heal him. Please have mercy on Baby G and his parents. Please give them all the strength to walk every difficult steps in their lives now and please hold their hands and walk with them. God, your presence, your intervention, your healing power is what we need the most for Baby G. We ask your blessings to work through the hands of the surgeons, the doctors and the caretakers, and we look forward to hearing the wonderful news that Baby G is healed and he will come off the tubes in the pinkest of health and none of his body parts including the brain will be marred. He will be blessed by the Lord with intelligence and wisdom. So, we pray for healing, God. We pray that you take over the situation Baby G is in and HEAL him. Thank you very very much, Lord Jesus. In your beautiful name Lord, we pray and give thanks, amen!”

 Having checked with Gloria, who consented for me to share the story, God’s miraculous work on Baby G continues… I asked Gloria, “Who is the baby? Where is he?” thinking to include Baby G’s exact location in our prayer might help, in case God mixed up the baby we prayed for with others, somehow. I found it extremely helpful to write down my prayer so I could refer to it and pray again and again. After all, Gloria had a specific request to us, ‘please remember to pray for Baby G, 24/7. Sorry for being so demanding’.

 What stunned me was, Gloria then texted us on 24th February 2021, a day after we prayed '24/7'. Even though I mixed up the place where Baby G was, we were thrilled with the news that Baby G was off the respirator! Yes, yes, yes! Baby G could breathe on his own!!! Baby G suffered no major damage to his body parts except we will not know if his brain is affected until he grows older. So, we continue praying that God blesses Baby G with a fully developed brain, filled with intelligence and wisdom!

 Isn’t this amazing? Isn’t this awesome? Isn’t prayer powerful?

Proverb 15:29 says, 'The LORD is far from the wicked, but HE hears the prayer of the righteous. An understanding that God does not answer every prayer but HE will if it is within HIS will. Thank you God, amen!'

Jing WONG in collaboration with Pearly CHIN, Australia, Kar Po CHONG, New Zealand and Gloria TEH, Singapore

Testimony by Toni

God never let me go.

I accepted Jesus Christ in my life as my Lord and Saviour 22 years ago. However, I have never lived a Christian life like Paul and I got lost many times. I definitely have always been a believer in God but praying and believing is one thing, walking intentionally with God is another. My walk with God took a back seat in my life for a few years because I had this idea that I could only walk with God if I went to church. For many years I’ve been condemning and shaming myself for my past. I ended living in a MASSIVE state of self-pity.

I let the ‘ungodly’ things take control of my life. Last year I was in a really dark place, my mind was literally a mess. I was over-thinking every situation in my life. The enemy got straight into my head so much that I personally felt like I had bad spirits in me and in my home. The toxic thoughts were uncontrollable. One night last year, I ended my day on my hands and knees crying out and praying to God. Eventually, my legs got numb but I didn’t want to get up. I had no peace while I was praying but I guess if you are asking God to take you home when it’s not your time, you are not going to have peace. I had my Bible in my hands the whole time, I looked up and I asked God to give me something and I opened it….He gave me “TALITHA KOUM!” (which means ‘Little girl, I say to you, get up!’) in Mark 5:41. It was the most beautiful feeling. The peace that rushed over me was unexplainable. I remembered thinking He still loves me. He turned my whole night and the rest of my days around. I’ve never felt so free or loved as I did in that moment… I burst out laughing, crying and jumping up and down thanking God for finding me again. The majority of my days now are good and I am healing. But healing is never a straight line. The enemy still knows when and where to attack, but I’m more conscious and now I’ve learnt the pain and hurt from my past will always be there and that’s ok. However, every morning I try to remind myself if it is not good, it is not from God.

I am so excited to walk this new walk with God. Every day I feel shifts happening in my life just from simply talking to my Father every day… They seem like baby shifts/steps at the time when I am aware of God’s grace but it still gives me a sense of awe and peace knowing that God’s plan is bigger than mine. The more I talk to Jesus the more I am equipped for my days ahead.

Fight to see and love yourself the way God loves you.

Toni-Ann De Lange


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