Here I am, send me! – Tiffany Sung


Do we see the “Invisibles” in our society?

They could be elderly scavengers, trolley-pushing street cleaners, street sleepers who stack all their belongings with them underneath bridges or in parks. They are, to many people, just some strangers that one would really not want to rub shoulders with on the street. 

Because of some job arrangements, I was relocated to a new district for work at the beginning of 2020. Right after that was the outbreak of the COVID-19. One day, I happened to pass by the riverside close to my office and saw that there were quite a number of street sleepers. My heart was moved by the sight of that. I strongly believe that the heart of Jesus Christ is to walk with the poor and the needy. In his eyes, nobody should be ignored or forgotten. I asked myself and prayed to God, “What can I do for them?” But I was just one person, a feeble, petite girl. Besides, it was the early stage of the global outbreak of the pandemic, the whole world knew very little about the transmission and the power of this virus, and fear of it was overwhelming. I had no idea what God really wanted me to do next after He had opened my eyes to see that. Yet, the thought of the street sleepers and other needy people out there in society kept tucking at my heart. So while waiting for God to show me the next move, I kept praying for the street sleepers and asking God to send me other Christians who have the same vision and are willing to serve the street sleepers and other needy people in this society.

After some time, God really gathered people together, and we officially started the ministry of visiting street sleepers. One night every month, we would prepare all the materials for visits, like drinks, biscuits, facial masks and mosquito coils. Then we would walk along the riverside and engage in conversations with all the street sleepers that we encounter, getting to know about their backgrounds and their needs. When there were festivals, we would also bring them some stuff or food for the festivals. Before long, we found out that those street sleepers may not be very needy in terms of materials. Instead, they all have their own stories that caused them to choose such a lifestyle. This made me even more convicted that it is only the gospel, the reconciliation with God that is the best thing that we could bring to them.

We have been visiting them for one year now, and we are interacting like friends. We would share with them what we have, and they would share with us their stories. Though strictly speaking, we are strangers. Yet, we could talk freely like friends. It is not that there is something we could bestow on them; it is also not that they are lacking something that they need the philanthropy of others. We are simply human beings interacting with each other. We all are equal individuals. My hope is that, with these interactions and care, they would not feel that they are in any way forgotten or marginalised people of the society; instead, it is God who has sent a group of Christians to show them care and to affirm their worth and value.

On one occasion, the homeless shared with me some crabs they had caught during a dive in the river, and some fish they had caught with their nets. Seeing me coming, they hurried to grab the crabs one by one from their net, and they specially picked some big fish for me. I was touched by their trusting sharing. I was also touched because they saw me as someone equal to them and shared with me what they had. On that night, I skipped my scheduled event. Instead, I returned home and shared with my family what the homeless had shared with me. That dinner gave me another deep reflection of what “home” is. 

I hope that one day, the homeless can go home, and have a home to go. What’s more, I hope to see all those homeless people we have visited get to taste the unfailing love of God and find a home for their souls.

Is our society cold? Let’s add some warmth to it! We don’t all need to do something big, but we all can do something small to bring warmth to others. I hope you find those who God has sent you to serve on this Earth and be a messenger of the gospel and God’s love.


In the original Chinese text:


—————— 路上的「看見」,肢體的「同行」






有一次,無家者和我分享他們潛下水親手抓的蟹,和親手網的魚。看見我來到,他們趕快從蟹網中把蟹一隻一隻抓出來,也從剛撈上來的魚網中專挑大的魚給我。那一刻,我心裡很感動,感動於他們對我的信任分享,也感動他們視我如朋友,和我分享他們所有的 。當晚,我放下原本出席的聚會,回到家中,和家人分享無家者和我分享的。那一道晚飯讓我對珍惜「家」有更深刻的體會。 


社會很冰冷嗎?那就為它加上一些溫度吧! 我們不一定要做大事,但一定可以做一些小事,為別人帶來一些溫暖。希望你們都能找到神差派你們在地上服侍的對象,成為傳揚福音和愛的小天使!



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