More than Community – Natasha Reyes


2020 was a harrowing roller coaster ride for many of us, me included. As we pass the halfway point of 2021, I’m still on this ride and have managed to stay on, sometimes hanging on for dear life. I’m thankful for the people that are on this ride with me – the people who God put in my life to be with me during the highs and lows. One such group of people is the Oakhill Community Group. I used to think that community groups (CG) or cell groups were just people you studied the Bible with on a regular basis.

However, I was happily surprised to find myself finding real friendship in my CG. We gather weekly to discuss the word, update each other on our lives and pray for each other. We are a diverse group, and our different perspectives and life experiences lead to rich discussions that have deepened my understanding of God and His word. I can see in each person a clear commitment to be present, engaged, and vulnerable, which has led to an atmosphere of openness and trust. Our time together has not been limited to our weekly CG gatherings, and I have enjoyed many meals and hikes with them. I can clearly see God’s hand in the individual and collective growth in our CG. This is the first time I’ve had spiritual friendships, and I now understand why this kind of relationship is essential in a Christian’s life.

I went through the lowest point of my life last year with the sudden and unexpected death of my husband Warren in the middle of the pandemic. That was followed by my second lowest point - the cancer diagnosis of my mother (thankfully, she is recovering). My CG was truly God’s hands and feet during that sad time. They supported me, prayed for me, lifted my spirits, encouraged me, and helped me keep my eyes on God. I can also see that He used them to help me grow in my faith in the months prior to Warren’s death. The CG is one of the means through which God equipped me to go through the grief, fear and sadness of that time without losing peace and hope.

As I stay on this roller coaster and look to the future with its twists and turns, I thank God that the Oakhill CG is on this ride with me.

To learn more about our community groups and how to take part in one, visit



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