Missions Partner Highlight: Mother’s Choice

Living missionally is at the centre of how we live out our faith. One of the ways we do this at The Vine is by partnering with individuals and organisations that share our vision and desire to see God’s Kingdom reflected in our city and globally.

We want to share with you the incredible impact that we witness through these relationships through our Missions Partner Highlights! We'll have stories and posts that inform you of the different Missions Partners we have and ways you can pray and support the partners we have at The Vine!

This month we are highlighting Mother’s Choice! Mother’s Choice is a local charity that serves teenage girls who face crisis pregnancies and children who are in need of a family because of neglect, abuse, abandonment or family breakdown. Their vision is to see every child in a loving family, and every family surrounded by a supportive community.

Please do check out the videos below and then explore their YouTube page further as they have a lot of wonderful personal stories like these!


Follow three foster mother’s sharing their journeys in fostering children.


Follow a family as they share providing a ‘bridge’ place of stay for children in transition either waiting to be adopted or waiting to be reunited with their birth family.


Follow the Tam Family as they share their journey of adopting their son and welcoming him into their family, forming a strong family bond.

To find out more information about Mother’s Choice, please check out their website here.


Leading in God’s Wisdom – Alison Chan


Missions Partner Highlights: A Plastic Ocean Foundation